Common questions we get asked pt 2

Following on from last week’s common questions, here’s the next batch without all of the forward explanation!

  1. What’s the importance of stretching before and after a workout?

Stretching increases flexibility, improves circulation, and can prevent injuries. Before we work out, ideally we would undertake Dynamic stretching, this is movements that replicate the workload we intend to undertake, starting with a slightly slower version and with a shortened range of movement. Upon finishing static stretching is recommended, this comes in a number of flavours the main two are maintenance, the act of stretching the muscle to a normal range with a shorter time frame (10-20 seconds per stretch) and developmental where we look to increase in the flexibility via the folding of a stretch (30-60 seconds).

  1. How much water should I drink during my workout?

It’s essential to stay hydrated. The current science suggests drinking about 7-10 ounces of water every 10-20 minutes during your workout, and more if you’re sweating heavily. It’s important to note that if the workout is more intense having water sloshing around in our tummy can become uncomfortable, small frequent intake can help counter this.

  1. How long does it take to see noticeable results from working out?

Results vary based on factors like consistency, diet, and the type of exercise. Generally, you might start noticing changes in your body after 4-6 weeks of regular exercise. There are a number of changes that will happen the we don’t see, these can include increased cardio endurance, increases in mobility and stability.

  1. What’s the importance of rest days?

Rest days are crucial for muscle recovery. They allow your body to repair and grow stronger, reducing the risk of overuse injuries. We could delve deeper into this, however they are important and if we really need to do something then a nice walk is a great alternative!

  1. Can I spot reduce fat from specific areas of my body?

Spot reduction is a myth. You can’t target fat loss from specific areas. Instead, focus on overall fat loss through a combination of cardio and strength training. For a more visual representation of why spot reduction doesn’t work, think of taking the water out of just a corner of a swimming pool….

  1. How do I know if I’m lifting the right amount of weight?

The right weight allows you to complete your repetitions with proper form. It should be challenging but not so heavy that you sacrifice your form. A good check for this is the last 2 reps being difficult to hold correct form. Quick note here, these can vary from workout to workout as our body isn’t always energised to the same level for each session.

  1. What’s the difference between free weights and machines?

Free weights (dumbbells, barbells) engage stabilising muscles, improving overall strength. Machines provide guided movements, which can be useful for beginners or specific isolation exercises.

Both offer a good range of benefits and can be used in combination with great effect.

  1. Can I work out when I’m sick?

It depends on the severity of your illness. For mild symptoms like a common cold, light exercise might be okay. But if you have a fever or more serious symptoms, it’s best to rest and recover. Everyone’s bodies are different and the amount of rest and recovery needed will vary – go easy and listen to your body.

As always if you have any other questions feel free to reach out or 07597215652.

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