User FAQ
How to start a Program
1. Click Menu (dots) in the bottom right hand corner
2. Click Programs
3. Click View all
4. Scroll or Search for you preferred Program
All of the weeks of training will be displayed (you can look into each week if you like)
Select start program, then Hub (bottom left) – your workouts will appear in the Home Screen for you.
Please note – programs will start on the day you select, they work best when started on a Monday.
How to start a workout (When in Program)
On the Home Screen, you’ll see the scheduled workout listed, simply click on that and press start.
What program should I do first?
We suggest undertaking one of the 4 week general programs to start, its gives a good feel to how everything works and covers a variety of exercises, stretching and finishes with a race preparation block which will cover all areas for you.
How do I do an individual workout?
Tap workouts on the bottom of the Home Screen, tap view all in the top right then either scroll or search for you desired workout.
How do I play the videos?
click on the exercise image and the video will become playable
How do I use the timer?
when in a workout a red stopwatch icon will appear on the right hand side, click this and the timer will pop up with a minutes and seconds selection along with a start/stop button.
How do I complete a workout?
As we are completing the exercises, click the check box next to each one, when you have finished the system will let you know if any have been missed.
If we have forgotten to tick off a few we can go back, or if we have finished simply click finished workout.
An option to leave feedback is available in the finished screen.