Fitness Plateaus: Breaking Through the Wall by…

Sweat, Struggle, and Triumph

Ah, the infamous fitness plateau—a hurdle that every fitness enthusiast encounters at some point in their journey to a healthier lifestyle. It’s that moment when your body decides to hit the brakes on progress, leaving you stranded in a desert of frustration, wondering if you’ll ever see gains again. But fear not, fellow fitness warriors, for breaking through this wall is not just a possibility—it’s practically a rite of passage. So, grab your water bottle and lace up those trainers, because we’re about to embark on a journey of sweat, struggle, and triumph.

Picture this: you’ve been hitting the gym religiously, watching your diet like a hawk, and yet, the scale refuses to budge. It’s as if your body has decided to take a vacation from progress, leaving you stranded on the plateau express. But before you throw in the towel and dive headfirst into a tub of ice cream, let’s take a moment to understand what’s really going on.

You see, our bodies are incredibly adaptive machines. They thrive on routine and efficiency, which is great when you’re trying to establish healthy habits. However, it can also be a double-edged sword when it comes to making gains. Your body gets comfortable with the same old routine, and before you know it, you’re stuck in a rut, going through the motions without seeing any real results.

So, how do we break free from this vicious cycle? Well, my friends, it’s time to shake things up—literally. Whether it’s trying out a new workout routine, adding some extra weight to your lifts, or incorporating interval training into your cardio sessions, the key is to keep your body guessing. Think of it as a game of fitness cat and mouse—except in this scenario, you’re the cat, and that stubborn plateau is the mouse.

But breaking through a fitness plateau isn’t just about physical exertion; it’s also a test of mental fortitude. It’s about pushing past those moments of doubt and reminding yourself why you started this journey in the first place. Maybe it’s to feel more confident in your own skin, to set a positive example for your loved ones, or simply to prove to yourself that you’re capable of more than you ever imagined.

So, the next time you find yourself face-to-face with a seemingly insurmountable plateau, remember this: you are stronger than you think, more resilient than you realise, and capable of achieving greatness beyond your wildest dreams. Take a deep breath, dig deep, and keep pushing forward—one squat, one rep, one step at a time.

Breaking through a fitness plateau is not just about physical strength; it’s about mental tenacity and unwavering determination. It’s about embracing the challenge, pushing past your comfort zone, and refusing to settle for mediocrity. 

So, the next time you feel like throwing in the towel, remember this: you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. Stay focused, stay motivated, and above all, never give up. Your breakthrough is just around the corner—now go out there and make it happen!

Eating Healthy on a Budget Isn’t a Myth, It’s All About…

Being creative and resourceful!

First off, let’s address the elephant in the room: fresh produce. Yes, those vibrant veggies and juicy fruits can sometimes be pricey, but fear not! You don’t have to sell your soul for a bunch of kale. Hit up your local farmers’ market or check out discount grocery stores for some sweet deals on fresh produce. And hey, don’t turn your nose up at frozen fruits and veggies. They’re just as nutritious and often more budget-friendly. Plus, they won’t go bad before you get around to eating them – unlike that sad bunch of spinach languishing in your fridge.

Now, let’s talk about the MVP of budget-friendly eating: meal planning. Seriously, it’s like having a superpower. Take some time each week to plan out your meals and make a shopping list accordingly. This way, you’ll avoid impulse buys and stick to what you actually need. Pro tip: base your meals around affordable staples like rice, beans, and pasta. They’re versatile, filling, and won’t leave your wallet feeling lighter than air.

Oh, and speaking of meal planning, let’s not forget about leftovers. Embrace the glorious art of leftovers, my friend. Cook up a big batch of chilli or curry and enjoy it for days. Not only does it save you time and money, but it also tastes even better the next day – like a fine wine, but, you know, food.

Now, let’s talk about everyone’s favourite topic: snacks. Sure, those fancy protein bars and organic kale chips are tempting, but they can also burn a hole in your pocket. Instead, opt for budget-friendly snacks like nuts, popcorn, or even homemade trail mix. They’re delicious, nutritious, and won’t leave your wallet crying for mercy.

And hey, let’s not forget about the power of sales and promotions. You’d be surprised at how much you can save by being a savvy shopper.

In conclusion, eating healthy on a budget is totally within reach – you just need to get a little creative and a lot resourceful. Embrace the beauty of meal planning, leftovers, and budget-friendly staples, and you’ll be well on your way to a healthier (and wealthier) you. So go forth, my friend, and conquer that grocery store like the budget-savvy superhero you are. Your wallet – and your waistline – will thank you.

In a World of Trends, Finding Your Fitness Niche Starts with…

In a world dominated by fitness trends and fads, finding your fitness niche can feel like navigating a crowded gym during peak hours – overwhelming and a little sweaty. But fear not, fellow fitness enthusiasts, for in this chaotic world of burpees, kale smoothies, and spandex, there lies a path to discovering your unique fitness groove. And guess what? It starts with embracing the absurdity of it all.

Let’s face it, the fitness industry can sometimes resemble a circus, with acrobatic workout routines, eccentric diet plans, and a cast of characters that could rival a Marvel movie. But amid the chaos, there’s an opportunity to find your own fitness niche, one that not only aligns with your goals but also brings a smile to your face. Because, let’s be honest, if you’re not having fun, what’s the point?

First things first, laugh at the madness. From Zumba classes that make you question your coordination to diets that suggest you survive on nothing but air and positive affirmations, the fitness world is rife with comedic potential. Embrace the absurdity, crack a joke about the latest fitness craze, and remember that laughter burns calories too. Your abs will thank you.

Now, onto the serious stuff – sort of. It’s crucial to understand your fitness goals and preferences. Do you dream of becoming a powerlifting pirate or a yoga ninja? Perhaps you’re more of a salsa dancing weightlifter. Whatever floats your kettlebell-shaped boat, identify the activities that make you excited to move your body. Fitness should be a celebration, not a chore.

Next, let’s talk about the importance of community. Finding your fitness niche often involves connecting with like-minded individuals who share your quirky sense of humour and passion for wellness. Join a fitness class, online community, or start a group with friends who appreciate the art of combining lunges with laughter. Remember, sweating is more enjoyable when it’s shared with good company.

Now, onto the wardrobe. Sure, activewear has evolved into a fashion statement, but who said you can’t add a touch of whimsy to your workout wardrobe? Embrace the neon spandex, mismatched socks, and headbands that transport you straight back to the ’80s. After all, if you’re going to work out, you might as well do it in style – your style.

In the pursuit of your fitness niche, don’t forget the importance of variety. Trying new activities not only keeps things interesting but also helps you discover what truly ignites your passion. Whether it’s rock climbing, hula hooping, or interpretive dance aerobics, the fitness world is your oyster – or perhaps your kale smoothie, depending on your preference.

In conclusion, finding your fitness niche is a journey that should be as entertaining as it is beneficial. So, lace up those glittery sneakers, throw on your superhero cape, and embark on a fitness adventure that not only challenges your body but also tickles your funny bone. After all, in this world of trends, your unique fitness niche awaits – and it might just involve doing squats to the rhythm of a stand-up comedy routine.

Please note Spike Fitness takes no responsibility for any cape related injuries.

Need a bit more guidance? – speak to a member of Team SF on or 07597215652.

Muscle Soreness: Embrace the Pain Because…

Muscle soreness – the aching reminder that you had a killer workout.

It’s that sensation that transforms stairs into Everest and sitting down into a controlled descent. You might find yourself questioning your life choices as you struggle to lift your arms after an intense session at the gym. But fear not, for in the midst of the agony lies a tale of triumph, and maybe a few chuckles along the way.

Firstly, let’s dive into the science of muscle soreness. When you push your muscles beyond their usual limits, microscopic damage occurs to the muscle fibers. This trauma triggers an inflammatory response, leading to soreness and swelling. Sounds painful, right? Well, it is – but bear with me.

Imagine you’re at the gym, lifting weights that seem to defy gravity. You start feeling like a superhero until the next morning when getting out of bed becomes an Olympic event. The pain is real, but so is the satisfaction. It’s your body’s way of saying, “Hey, we’re adapting, and we’re getting stronger.”

Now, let’s add a touch of humour to this painful affair. You hobble around like a newborn giraffe, attempting to sit without looking like you’re auditioning for a slow-motion interpretative dance. The struggle is comical, and you can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. Embrace the absurdity – it’s a rite of passage for fitness enthusiasts.

But why should you embrace the pain? Well, aside from the fact that it’s a sign of progress, muscle soreness also has a secret weapon: endorphins. These magical neurotransmitters act as your body’s natural painkillers and mood enhancers. So, in a twisted way, that soreness is your body’s way of rewarding you with a neurochemical high. You’re not just enduring pain; you’re earning happiness points.

Now, let’s talk about the societal aspect of muscle soreness. Picture this: you’re at work, trying to discreetly stretch your legs under your desk because standing up feels like defusing a bomb. Your colleague notices and asks, “Leg day yesterday?” You nod, exchanging a knowing look that transcends words. It’s a silent camaraderie – a shared understanding that speaks volumes about the dedication to fitness.

The funny part is when you attempt to explain the concept of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) to the uninitiated. You sound like a scientist trying to decode an alien language. “You see, it’s the result of eccentric muscle contractions causing microtears in the muscle fibers, leading to inflammation…” Cue the blank stares. The science is fascinating, but sometimes it’s easier to just say, “I did squats.”

In the grand tapestry of physical activity, muscle soreness is a thread that weaves together pain, progress, and a dash of humour. So, the next time you wince while reaching for the top shelf, remember that you’re not just sore – you’re a warrior in the battlefield of fitness. Embrace the pain, relish the laughter, and revel in the knowledge that you’re sculpting a stronger, healthier version of yourself, one achy step at a time.

Unveiling the Truth About Fad Diets: They Promise _, But Deliver…

They promise the moon, but deliver a starving stomach

Ah, fad diets – those glittering stars in the galaxy of weight loss promises. They come with flashy names, enticing slogans, and the guarantee that you’ll be flaunting your dream body in no time. But hold on to your kale smoothie, because we’re about to unveil the truth about these diets that promise the moon but often deliver nothing more than a growling, discontented stomach.

Picture this: You stumble upon the “Lunar Eclipse Diet,” claiming to make you shed pounds faster than a cat shedding fur in the summer. The post features a radiant model, presumably having lost all her excess weight by simply gazing at the moon. What they don’t tell you is that this diet involves eating only moon-shaped foods. That’s right – lunar-shaped pasta, crescent roll sandwiches, and moon pies for dessert. Spoiler alert: your stomach might be as empty as outer space, but your energy levels will be on a different orbit.

Then there’s the “Miracle Mushroom Diet,” where proponents insist that eating only mushrooms will magically melt away those extra pounds. Sure, mushrooms are low in calories, but try explaining that to your taste buds after the third day of a mushroom-only regimen. Your craving for a cheeseburger may just grow into a mushroom-shaped monster.

Let’s not forget the “Hot Sauce Havoc Diet,” a spicy twist on weight loss. This diet claims that drowning your meals in hot sauce will rev up your metabolism and burn fat faster than a dragon’s breath. What they omit is the flaming sensation that accompanies every bite, turning your meal into a daredevil stunt rather than a culinary delight. After all, who needs taste buds when you can have a fiery inferno in your mouth?

And who could ignore the “Invisible Food Diet”? Advocates of this diet suggest that consuming foods with no visible colour – think cauliflower, tofu, and white rice – will make the calories invisible to your body. Sadly, the only thing disappearing is your satisfaction with each bland, colourless meal. It’s like trying to enjoy a blockbuster movie with your eyes closed – you’ll miss the good parts!

While these diets might sound absurd, they highlight a serious issue: the pursuit of quick fixes for weight loss. Fad diets often rely on extreme restrictions, unsustainable practices, and questionable nutritional principles. The truth is, sustainable weight loss involves a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a healthy mindset.

So, before you embark on the “Eat-Only-Green-Things Diet” or the “Twist-and-Shout Weight Loss Workout,” take a moment to consider the long-term consequences.

Your body deserves more than a temporary solution to a lifelong journey. After all, laughter may be the best medicine, but when it comes to weight loss, a balanced and sensible approach is the real remedy. Say goodbye to fad diets and hello to a healthier, happier you!

Ditch the Excuses: How to Fit Exercise into Your Busy Schedule Without…

Let’s be real—finding time to exercise in a packed schedule can feel as impossible as finding a unicorn in rush hour traffic. But fear not, busy bees! You don’t need a magic wand to make fitness happen. With a sprinkle of creativity and a pinch of determination, you can squeeze in exercise without losing your mind. Here’s the lowdown:

Embrace the Power of Micro-Workouts

Commute Conundrum: Take the stairs instead of the lift or sneak in calf raises while waiting for the train. Voila! Mini leg workout, check.

Deskercise Diplomacy: Ever tried stealthy squats or discreet stretches at your desk? Your coworkers might wonder if you’ve joined a secret fitness cult, but hey, gains are gains.

Commercial Break Crunches: TV time? Use those commercial breaks for a quick round of jumping jacks, push-ups, or planks. Hello, toned abs!

Schedule Smarts

Priority Puzzle: Treat exercise like a crucial meeting with yourself. Block it in your calendar and guard it like your favourite snack.

Early Bird Advantage: Rise and shine! Morning workouts not only boost your energy but also free up your evenings for Netflix binging guilt-free.

Lunchtime Hustle: Swap the power lunch for a power walk. Invite colleagues for a walking meeting and kill two birds with one stone—productivity and fitness!

Hack Your Habits

Multitasking Maven: Combine activities! Listen to audiobooks or podcasts while jogging or cycling. It’s like feeding your brain and muscles simultaneously.

Family Fitness Fun: Turn exercise into a family affair. Bike rides, park yoga, or dance-offs with the kids—fitness becomes a bonding experience.

Techy Tricks: Fitness apps and YouTube videos offer endless workout options. Having to travel? No problem!

Mind Over Matter

Goal Setting Guru: Set achievable goals and celebrate milestones. Whether it’s running a mile or mastering a yoga pose, progress fuels motivation.

Rewards Ruler: Treat yourself! Reach your weekly exercise goal? How about a guilt-free indulgence (sensible of course) or a fancy spa day?

Positive Vibes Only: Embrace the sweat! Shift your perspective from seeing exercise as a chore to viewing it as a gift to your body. A little sweat never hurt anybody… well, maybe the washing pile.

Final thoughts

Remember, fitting exercise into your schedule isn’t about finding time—it’s about making time. Excuses are like socks—they come in pairs and are easily lost in the laundry of life. So, whether it’s five minutes of jumping jacks or a full-blown gym session, every bit counts.
Now go forth, conquer those busy schedules, and sweat it out! Your body and mind will thank you for it.

The Secret to Consistent Workouts Isn’t Motivation, It’s…

Finding consistency in workouts is often painted as this Herculean task, but the secret isn’t hidden in some mythical motivation potion. Nope, it’s more like that reliable buddy who’s always got your back: discipline.

Picture this: you wake up, still tangled in your blanket burrito, contemplating whether to hit the gym or embrace the sweet embrace of snoozeville. Motivation whispers sweet nothings in your ear, but discipline? Discipline is that no-nonsense friend who throws the blanket off and gives you a virtual kick in the…. You don’t have to feel like conquering mountains; you just gotta lace up those trainers and take that first step.

Sure, it’s easy to rely on bursts of motivation fuelled by flashy fitness ads or social media influencers flaunting their six-pack secrets. But let’s face it: those bursts fizzle out faster than a fizzy drink left open overnight. Discipline, on the other hand, is that sturdy backbone that keeps you going when the excitement dwindles. It’s the commitment you make to yourself, rain or shine, burpees or no burpees.

Making workouts a routine helps, too. Think of it as an appointment with your future awesome self. Would you ditch a meeting with a superhero? I don’t think so! Treat your workout like a date with greatness—put it in your calendar, set reminders, and show up, even if you’re just in your pj’s staring at the yoga mat.

Now, here’s the fun part: inject humor into your sweat sessions! Laughter is like a secret ingredient that turns even the most grueling workout into a hilarious sitcom episode. Ever tried to do a serious yoga pose while your cat thinks you’re a playground? Comedy gold, my friend. Embrace the absurdity, crack a joke, or blast your favorite cheesy ’80s playlist. Before you know it, you’ll be lunging and laughing your way through your workout.

It’s crucial to find workouts you enjoy. Who said exercising had to be all treadmill torture and weightlifting woes? Dance like no one’s watching, join a boxing class where you can imagine your boss’s face on the punching bag (just kidding…mostly), or hop on a bike and pretend you’re chasing down bad guys like in the movies. When it’s fun, it’s not a chore.

Consistency isn’t about becoming a fitness robot—it’s about creating habits that stick like peanut butter to the roof of your mouth. Give yourself props for the small wins. Missed a day? Hey, even superheroes take a day off from saving the world. Just get back on that fitness horse tomorrow.

Remember, it’s not always about feeling like an energiser bunny on a treadmill. Some days, you might feel like a sloth on a slow stroll—and that’s okay. Celebrate the days you show up, even if it’s just to stretch and sip water.

Progress isn’t always about those insane sweat sessions; it’s about showing up for yourself, one step, lunge, or giggle at a time.

New year, new me?

Ah, the mystical allure of the New Year, where gym memberships skyrocket like Elon Musk’s aspirations! It’s that time when we solemnly swear on our yoga mats that this year will be different—this year, we’ll turn into the Greek gods we’ve always pretended to be in our minds.

Ah, January, the month of sweat, determination, and, let’s face it, a lot of “accidentally” flexing in the mirror! Gyms turn into bustling hubs of ambition, where even the treadmill seems to cheer you on: “Go you! Look at that sprint! You’re practically airborne!”

But let’s be real, the first few weeks are like stumbling through a fitness obstacle course blindfolded. We’re all guilty of those resolutions that are as short-lived as a Snapchat story. Remember when you vowed to do 100 push-ups every morning and ended up hitting the snooze button a hundred times instead? Yeah, been there!

However, fear not, oh brave souls of the fitness frontier! For I come bearing the elixir of motivation and a sprinkle of comedic relief to guide you through this journey of sculpting those abs of steel and biceps of… well, slightly firmer marshmallows.

Firstly, let’s ditch the “New Year, New Me” narrative. It’s more like “New Year, Improved Version of an Already Awesome Me!” You’re not reinventing the wheel; you’re just adding some turbo boosters!

Embrace the process, not just the outcome. Think of your fitness journey as a Netflix series—each workout is an episode leading to that epic season finale where you flex your newfound muscles like a superhero. And hey, if Netflix can drop an entire series in one day, you can certainly smash a week’s worth of workouts, right?

Remember, laughter is the best ab workout. Seriously, try laughing while doing sit-ups; it’s a six-pack and a giggle fest all in one! So, bring on the hilarious gym moments—the accidental treadmill speed-up or the weights that suddenly feel heavier than the Titanic. Embrace these moments; they’re the sprinkle of humour in this otherwise serious fitness salad.

Oh, and goals? Make ’em S.M.A.R.T.—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. Saying “I want to be as fit as The Rock” might sound cool, but let’s start with “I’ll conquer five push-ups without face-planting.”

Lastly, find your squad. Surround yourself with fellow fitness enthusiasts who cheer for every sweaty victory and laugh off every failed attempt at a pull-up. Remember, it’s not just about the gains; it’s about the friendships you make along the way. And who knows, your gym buddy might just become your spotter and your partner-in-crime for post-workout smoothies.

So here’s to the New Year, a fresh chapter in your fitness saga! Embrace the sweat, laugh at the struggles, and celebrate every little victory. And remember, it’s not about being perfect; it’s about being perfectly dedicated to becoming the best version of yourself—one hilarious gym moment at a time! Cheers to the journey ahead, you fitness warriors!

Want a head start or quick refresh? Chat to a member of Team SF on or 07597215652.

Alcohol and its effects on performance

Alcohol: Friend or Foe of Fitness?

Welcome to the rollercoaster of booze and burpees!

Performance Plunge: Downing those cocktails might make you feel like the life of the party, but it’s no secret that alcohol can put a damper on your fitness game. It messes with your body’s ability to produce energy, tanking your stamina and slowing down muscle recovery. So, that next-day workout might feel like a mountain climb after a night of sipping.

Dehydration Drama: Raise your glass, but beware! Alcohol’s diabolical plan includes stealing your body’s hydration. It’s like a sneaky bandit that leads to dehydration, leaving your muscles parched and your workout feeling like a Sahara trek. So, unless you’re into feeling like a raisin during that circuits class, hydration is key!

Sleepy-time Sabotage: Ever noticed how a nightcap can turn into a snooze fest? Sure, it might knock you out faster than counting sheep, but the quality of that slumber is about as helpful as a deflated balloon. Good sleep is like the secret sauce for top-notch performance, and alcohol tends to sabotage that recipe.

Gains, Goodbye!: Say hello to your gains at the gym, then wave a sad farewell after a round of drinks. Alcohol not only messes with muscle recovery but also loves to hang out with cortisol, the stress hormone. It’s like inviting the Grinch to your Christmas party—cortisol steals your muscle gains and leaves you feeling like you did leg day every day.

Coordination Conundrum: Your balance might be on point after a shot or two of liquid courage, but let’s face it, alcohol is a smooth criminal when it comes to messing with coordination. Slurred speech at the gym might get a few chuckles, but it won’t help with that deadlift form.

Calories Creep: We all know about the beer belly rumours, but it’s not just the sugary cocktails—alcohol itself packs a calorie punch. Those empty calories might as well be confetti raining on your fitness parade.

But hey, it’s not all doom and gloom! Moderation is the name of the game. You don’t have to give up your favourite brews or fancy cocktails entirely.

Here’s the silver lining:

Moderation Mastery: Sip slowly and mindfully. Limit the rounds, and your body will thank you. Set a personal limit and stick to it like peanut butter on toast.

Hydration Heroes: Alternate those alcoholic drinks with water. Your body will appreciate the hydration, and your workout won’t feel like a desert expedition.

Timing Tactics: If you’ve got a big workout planned, consider saving the tequila for another night. Opt for the H2O or mocktails before the sweat session.

So, raise a glass to balance, cheers to moderation, and toast to a fitness journey that lets you enjoy life’s pleasures without sacrificing those gains!

Looking for some more information regarding managing alcohol during the festive (or any) season? – speak to a member of Team SF on or 07597215652.

Navigating Christmas festivities

We all know the drill, Christmas parties, tins of sweets and excess food cooked by you and yours!

So how do you get through it without too much weight gain?

Before we jump in, we are talking about not gaining too much, whilst not inevitable, with a larger meal and other functions to attend it’s ok to gain a couple of pounds, this isn’t a year round event, a bit like going on holiday its ok to enjoy yourself and have a few treats….


  1. Plan out your intake
  2. Make plans for when you’re out
  3. Avoid the drive by’s
  4. Enjoy the actual meals

Plan out your intake

We tend to start thinking about what we are wearing to the office parties, or other functions way before, so why can’t we do the same for the food? – taking 50 calories off per day in the lead up to a party will help to offset the extra, maybe not all of it but it can help.

I have clients who are extra good in the lead up to a party (or holiday) which allows them a more guilt free evening!

Another trick is to have a larger healthier breakfast to avoid over eating in the evening, choosing a healthier starter/main and the dessert of your choice is another way. There’s lots we can do to help future us out.

Make plans for when you’re out

Now I’m sure you will know the start time and location, so what we mean here is pre-arranging transport home, switching every other alcoholic drink with a water, that’ll help the following morning. Making sure we have some dancing shoes on to burn a few calories during the evening and on that was new to me was booking a class or arranging a fitness activity the following day!

Avoid the drive by’s

Without fail, there are always a few more snacks available during the festive season, personally I prefer to have a nice piece of homemade Christmas cake than the chocolate covered peanuts in the office.

Some of the extras we end up consuming add up really quickly, and it’s more habit and availability than hunger that gets us picking them up.

Enjoy the actual meals

With all of the effort that goes into preparing, cooking and serving you should allow yourself to enjoy the meals, I often say to my clients, at the table fill your boots, providing we avoid the drive by’s it a much nicer feeling to be able to fully enjoy the meal with drinks and dessert knowing that we have prepared for it and are able to fully enjoy it.

The upside of this is it still fits with our normal routines, we don’t walk around in July picking celebrations off the end of desks…

This isn’t a you have to be super strict list, sure the food will be higher in calories, that’s ok, enjoy it!

Hopefully this helps to allow that enjoyment rather than feeling like we have to be completely on point and not allow ourselves a little fun.

Need a bit more guidance? – speak to a member of Team SF on or 07597215652.