We all know the drill, Christmas parties, tins of sweets and excess food cooked by you and yours!
So how do you get through it without too much weight gain?
Before we jump in, we are talking about not gaining too much, whilst not inevitable, with a larger meal and other functions to attend it’s ok to gain a couple of pounds, this isn’t a year round event, a bit like going on holiday its ok to enjoy yourself and have a few treats….
- Plan out your intake
- Make plans for when you’re out
- Avoid the drive by’s
- Enjoy the actual meals
Plan out your intake
We tend to start thinking about what we are wearing to the office parties, or other functions way before, so why can’t we do the same for the food? – taking 50 calories off per day in the lead up to a party will help to offset the extra, maybe not all of it but it can help.
I have clients who are extra good in the lead up to a party (or holiday) which allows them a more guilt free evening!
Another trick is to have a larger healthier breakfast to avoid over eating in the evening, choosing a healthier starter/main and the dessert of your choice is another way. There’s lots we can do to help future us out.
Make plans for when you’re out
Now I’m sure you will know the start time and location, so what we mean here is pre-arranging transport home, switching every other alcoholic drink with a water, that’ll help the following morning. Making sure we have some dancing shoes on to burn a few calories during the evening and on that was new to me was booking a class or arranging a fitness activity the following day!
Avoid the drive by’s
Without fail, there are always a few more snacks available during the festive season, personally I prefer to have a nice piece of homemade Christmas cake than the chocolate covered peanuts in the office.
Some of the extras we end up consuming add up really quickly, and it’s more habit and availability than hunger that gets us picking them up.
Enjoy the actual meals
With all of the effort that goes into preparing, cooking and serving you should allow yourself to enjoy the meals, I often say to my clients, at the table fill your boots, providing we avoid the drive by’s it a much nicer feeling to be able to fully enjoy the meal with drinks and dessert knowing that we have prepared for it and are able to fully enjoy it.
The upside of this is it still fits with our normal routines, we don’t walk around in July picking celebrations off the end of desks…
This isn’t a you have to be super strict list, sure the food will be higher in calories, that’s ok, enjoy it!
Hopefully this helps to allow that enjoyment rather than feeling like we have to be completely on point and not allow ourselves a little fun.
Need a bit more guidance? – speak to a member of Team SF on info@spikefitness.co.uk or 07597215652.