How to use tech to motivate

Can we utilise technology to keep us going, or does it always end in digital tears?

Technology has changed the way we travel, work, interact and live, so many things have been achieved that help us day to day, so what about our will to exercise?

There are many trackers, apps, and wearables that this could end up being a multi part book if we covered it all!

With that, let’s take an overview of how they aim to motivate:

Setting goals

If we are working towards something, be it weight loss (or gain) volume of workouts per week or an event, we can normally find a section in an app or tracker to program said goal in.

When we pass a goal to a 1’s and 0’s machine it will do just that, divide up said goal into 1’s and 0’s. That in itself isn’t so much of an issue, more that humans are not linear improvers, in that we have some good weeks, some not so good and it’ll require some massaging of the plan.

Whether this is calories, distance or speed being able to flex up and down when we need to is vital. Having said that, there are some portions that will be of great use, this include reminders, general guidance on values and target points.

Quick example would be calories, whilst trackers have become very intelligent, they aren’t always able to give bandings or offer cycling options:

2000kcals x 7 days = 14000
2200kcals x 3 days + 1850 x 4 days = 14000

Same overall total, different makeup. The cycling method could allow more calories on training days or a less restrictive weekend.

Using technology to assist and guide us (perhaps even remind…) is a great way to use it.

Connecting with others is a is another great way that tech can help us, there are many online challenges such as walking and running distances over the month, or even movement amounts which can be done as groups or individuals spurring each other on.

Tracking progress offers a way of keeping us moving forward, this might be the weekly emails about of exercise over the past week, knowing that is coming to an inbox near you can help to motivate, for other is may not be such a help.

Readouts of distance, pace, time are another area which can show improvement over a longer period, when we take a longer term view of our progress.

Hydration, nutrition and movement reminders are an excellent addition, for those who work in more sedentary jobs, having a little vibrate to say standup and move around can give that gentle nudge as can improving our water intake or remembering to log or food.

Taking our time to ensure we have a good setup is vital, when should we be reminded, how frequently we interact with app or wearable of choice is vital to getting the right balance for both not being chained to it and not forgetting it!

Need help tweaking your tech? – speak to Team SF to see how we can help or 07597215652.

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