Busy, busy, busy – how often have we skipped the gym to finish off some work?
Then one missed session leads to another and another and we all know where that leads to….
So how can we help streamline the process?
Planning ahead is key, and I know its cliche, but it also works – we just need to understand how to make planning ahead work for us:
Like a good schedule? – pop your workouts and travel time into your calendar, remember to include travel time.
Can you schedule it for the same time on each day your want to work out? – if so this creates a great habit and routine for your body.
Additional simple steps:
Pack your bag/put your training clothes out the night before, I have a client that wakes up and gets changed into their gym gear so they can go straight for a run during there morning break, zero friction, just what they need.
Pre-book your classes ahead of the week, want to do circuits 3 x week, book them all on Sunday and then you just have to show up (maybe following the reminder from your calendar…)
Buddy up, I’m sure there is a statistic somewhere about training with a buddy, you’re less likely to want to let them down.
There are many other tips and tricks, these are just a few ideas to get you started.
How easy can we make it to work out? – planned sessions, whether that’s by a PT or a program, shorter workouts for home (check out the workouts in the newsletter for some ideas) are all great ways of removing friction and barriers.
It can also make time management easier, if we have something crop up (who doesn’t!) we can switch to a home workout saving some time and still getting the workout in.
Lastly be kind to yourself, sometimes with the best will in the world we have to shorten a workout, skip one or leave mid way through – that’s ok, it happens, allowing it and resetting the next day is the key.
If you would like some help setting up workouts to help plan your week out, fit everything in or just want to guidance give one of the Team at SF a shout (nicely) on info@spikefitness.co.uk or 07597215652.