Which is best and how it can shape your success.
Well, where to start – spoiler alert – it depends!
It depends on a lot of different factors, both from a goal perspective and a human perspective.
Rather than layout what the different permutations are, let’s look at the main area’s that can affect the choice:
Goals – these are are targets, our aspirations, our wants – no point being able to deadlift a horse if you’re training for a marathon.
Energy levels – how are we feeling, super well rested, then more options are open to us, not so cloud nine? – wiser choices should be made.
Schedule – let’s not get to hung up on how we fit workouts in, just that some days we don’t have the same available time, and that’s ok – again the workout can be tailored to suit.
Personal preference – important to make sure that our workouts cover all of the above but also that they tick the box for us personally.
Important to note that there is no on-size fits all, and it also is set in stone, there will be times when we feel like changing or that it makes more sense to switch weights and cardio up.
With all that covered, let’s dive into some specifics
So nice easy one to start us off, if our aim is to complete a cardiovascular based event, making that the focal point of our workout makes sense, we can then undertake specific strength work after as this is likely to be more around endurance and stabilisation rather than raw lifting power.
So the reverse of this is when our goal is a strength based one, in this scenario we would look to complete our strength workload first. Important to note that having a warm up routine is still essential, this may be mobility based or even some light cardio prior to starting.
There are some other options such as splitting cardio and weights over different days to allow more time to focus on each, but given we are looking at which to do first, I’ll leave that for another day!
Energy levels
We’ve all been there, getting to the gym or training session was effort, firstly don’t beat yourself up, many just don’t go, your showed up!
I like to have a good go to session for these days, that’s as nice short targeted workout, what is the main goal of this workout? – from there pick 2-3 exercises that tick that box.
Example – Weightlifting, do the compound movement, then 2 supporting exercises at a lighter weight and with a bit more volume.
If we have a cardio based session planned, can we work on something specific for a shorter duration (hills, speed etc) or can we adapt by using another exercise, cycling, stair master, incline walk. Slower paced exercises fit well if energy is low and time is still available, consider adding a longer set at the end, great for the muscles ready for the next session when our energy levels are back in the normal range.
Feeling golden? – this might be the time to push the envelope a little, there are many ways to do this, we could increase pace (cardio), reduce rest for resistance sets or increase the weight, all dependent on the program we are following.
With everything fighting for our attention, it can be easy to find ourselves with less time over the week to workout, it’s all to easy to say ‘you can find an hour’ etc, sometimes we just got to work with what we got!
If time is short, combining sessions makes sense, extending our cardio warmup can ensure it gets done, whilst preparing us for a bit of resistance work after. This might be an extra 10-15 minutes of cardio followed by specific and targeted workloads.
There are also other ways to get a bit of both – classes, Boxercise, bootcamp and circuits to mention a few give a good balance of each side of the coin and tick the box nicely.
If we are really pressed for time, a shorter HIIT style session or and EMOM (every minute on the minute) will keep the time down and the heart rate up!
Personal preference
This is all about you, do you like hitting the weights, then cooling down whilst getting your steps in?
Maybe you like to get the blood pumping and the body ready with cardio before finishing up feeling nice and strong with the resistance work?
Plot twist, you like to change it up and mix them up each time?
The choice is very much yours and there is no right or wrong, the most important part is that you are moving, progressing and feeling good about working out.
Not sure how to structure your training? – speak to Team SF to see how we can help info@spikefitness.co.uk or 07597215652.