Benefits of a PT

Is this the right exercise for my goals?

Is my technique correct, how can it be improved?

How should I schedule and balance my workouts?

It can be a lot to think about, especially when we have many other things on our minds.

Having a PT in your corner, all the mystic of programming, calculating and timing can be removed.

Personal trainers extract the required information, construct the most appropriate program and then ‘gently’ encourage you to complete it.

Having a personal trainer to guide you in the right direction allows you to focus on working out rather than working out what to do.

  • Need 2 sets of eyes for checking your technique – done.
  • Quick maths for changing weights, sets and reps – done
  • Adapting exercises when required – done
  • Little tiny nudges to complete all reps – done

Making sure you get the most from your workouts is what we do, all whilst improving your technique, ability and wellbeing.

Having a PT also increases your accountability, we are really good at organising sessions and knowing when to push you.

We can also help when working around previous injuries or health issues, opening up different training avenues and making you feel great about working out rather than dreading it.

If you would like more information on how we can help you, speak to a member of Team SF on or 07597215652

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