Water is essential for good health. It helps to regulate body temperature, transport nutrients, and remove waste products. It is important to drink plenty of fluids, especially water, throughout the day.
High quality H2O!
Now the Waterboy references are out of the way, why are we are always told to keep our water in take up?
Water is essential for good health, regulation of the body and transportation, let’s take a look at each in order:
General health
Reduces dehydration
Decreases headaches
Helps lubricate joints
Improves physical performance
Stops the body (kidneys) from conserving water
Helps reduce the need for Vasopressin (also called antidiuretic hormone) to be released
Balances waste removal
Helps with temperature changes and fluctuations
Forms saliva
Allows cell growth to occur
Adds in the manufacture of hormones and neurotransmitters
Through the intestines, it is converted into fluids, such as blood to help remove waste products from the body.
It’s pretty important then?
It is! – so many of your internal functions rely on water and the body is 60% water as well!
We could go on and on about the benefits, having a good state of hydration is key, the body cycles water and will hold onto the ‘waste’ water when it doesn’t get enough.
Increases our water intake may seem like a difficult task in the beginning so its best to slowly increase, have a small glass of water at breakfast, have some just before each meal, or even a single meal as we look to increase.
The key here is to maintain good hydration, and as it’s the best method ensure our pee is a clear light yellow colour.
Need help increasing your water intake? – Chat to one of the team here at SF info@spikefitness.co.uk or 07597215652.