Quick scroll through the socials…. How many muscle building, fat burning or ab defining programs are there that guarantee results in 30/60/90 days?
How many progressive, cumulative or technique building programs are there that suggest change over time?
There is a good reason for this, I like to call it the Amazon problem, we want results as fast as possible, so faster delivery of results will get people queuing at the door, regardless of what the program is.
Question time:
If the last time you were happy with your body was 5 years ago, is 30 days realistic to get back to that? How about 90 days?
Secondly, if we could, what is the chance of that being a long-term change?
If we could drop 5% body fat in 30 days, surely, we would do so just before summer?
What does this have to do with creating the right training profile? – glad you asked!
Programs should match goals and aspirations with the correct responses in the body, and if we can make it interesting, that’s a bonus. Seeking an athletic body is OK, in fact, it’s a very sensible goal.
Ensuring that all the supporting muscles are well-built, we have a good power to weight ratio and can demonstrate above average stability and flexibility – oh wait, the advert said look like this, not perform like this.
This is where having the right understanding of goals and aspirations comes in, there must be longevity built into your program, to allow continued progress, to build all the mechanics into your body. It’s a tough sell, saying something will take 1-2 years, does not get the same amount of likes as abs in 30 days! Taking our time on a project isn’t something we are used to, unless it’s a house or a car, things we live in or travel in. Kind of like our body.
The right training program will strengthen your body, create the desired shape and make real world, daily activities easier.
It should: Allow progress, increase movement, enhance stability and flexibility and make us feel good.
These are changes that must be programmed for you, to suit you and your goals.
Speak to a Member of Team SF to get the best program for you on info@spikefitness.co.uk or 07597215652.