With the tin of Roses, Celebrations or Quality Street on the coffee table, the
smell of freshly baked minced pies out of the oven.

The bottles of Baileys and Prosecco or a crate of beers lining the fridge door. While Christmas might well be the most magical time of the year, it’s also often the most indulgent, alcohol filled and let’s face it, exhausting period in the winter season.

Whether you’re heading home to your families for the festive season or staying
at home, December is full of temptations that can easily make the most avid gym
go’er and devoted health-conscious person tumble off the wagon, however, it
doesn’t have to be like that!!

Spike Fitness is open over the Christmas period, we will be here ready to help
you keep on the straight and narrow with your training over this festive period.

We have a revised timetable but all classes and sessions are still running. If the
class session times are unsuitable for you, speak to us about one on one
sessions to ensure your training needs are met over this period.

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