In the ideal world everything we do is immediately the quickest and fastest route and solution, what a wonderful place that would be indeed!
Alas, we know that the first couple of times we undertake a task, create a solution it is always superseded by a faster and more efficient method…
You know, like sending a letter, weeks into days into instantly.
We went from posting letters, to next day delivery to email, the first solution of posting wasn’t and still isn’t bad, it’s just that email is that much more efficient.
In terms of programming, we can use it to get results faster but maybe not next day and certainly not instantly! I always refer to this as people expecting an Amazon Prime body!
Efficiency in programming can be looked at in a few different ways, as a brief example, this could be having complimentary workouts, a lower body and upper body routine for example. Allowing for workouts on concurrent days.
We could also have a time based solution, for example a short, medium and full program if we have a client that cannot guarantee the amount of available time to train.
Additionally, we can vary the intensity to match other aspects of peoples lives, a good example would be someone who undertakes an activity at a specified time. This could be triathlons, football, swimming, where the activity is at a confirmed date and time. The program would have to work around this and have higher and lower intensity sessions based on those predetermined dates and times.
So in a nutshell, the makeup of our program(s) needs to dovetail into our goals, activities and available time.
Efficiency is therefore paramount to successfully reaching our goals.
To see how we can help with programming for your goals, contact us on